Support of Local Associations
ZAASO is a non-profit NGO, a horse and donkey sanctuary, and also provides a general animal clinic services in Zanzibar and Pemba. His aims are to save animals but also to educate the population to affect them and respect the Animal Rights.
This association provides education for women and teaches them practical skills on solar energy, beekeeping and sewing. They provide knowledge that inspires sustainable and fair solutions across East Africa.
They teach Permaculture skills to local farmers and primary school teachers to empower them to sustainable livelihoods and a life in tune with nature, and carrying their knowledge into communities.
The school is an NGO. It offers practical tour guide training to improve the level of the tour and their chances to find employment. It's a school for only Zanzibari people. the goal is to train qualified Zanzibarians for the Hospitality and Tourism industry. The issue of sustainability is also important because the school wants to make sure that sustainability is present in training. Kawa training school also wants to empower women because it enables Zanzibari women to become more independent and make their own decisions. The school wants to create awareness about the environment and Zanzibar's Historical and Culture Heritage because Heritage it's important for the local people that why it has to be highlighted.
Its mission is to increase economic opportunity on the island of Zanzibar by enabling artisan craft producers in Zanzibar to expand their product ranges, establish networks and connect with broader markets. CHAKO encourages learning by doing and encourages local artisan craft producers, mostly women, to be creative and artistic without any limitations. They make souvenirs for tourists from the waste that tourists directly produce. This offers tourists a way to reduce their negative impact on the island with a positive approach; by buying original, innovative souvenirs for friends and family.
This school gives the children a real chance of succeeding not only in school, but also as leaders in their community. they provide the skills needed for youth to become employable, socially and environmentally conscious, to change futures in their turn, and become leaders of tomorrow.